Wednesday, August 18, 2010


PowerPoint presentation
Presentation video
Presentation transcript
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3

Skills: create, modify and post to a blog
Concepts: blog, gadget, property sheet, wire frame diagram of a Web page, profile, tabbed navigation

Obsoleted by:


  1. Hello Professor Press, I am Nolan Davis, a student at CSU Monterey Bay. I am in a CST class taught by Professor George Station. Professor station sent me an e-mail asking me to explain what I figured out (The changing of the URL).

    I've had a Blogger account for a long time, so I've messed around on here trying to figure out stuff. One day, I decided I wanted to change the title of the website. So I did. Then, the URL made no sense to what the site was about. So I started to explore the settings on here.

    I clicked the settings tab. Then I clicked the publishing tab. And on the publishing tab, it says "Blogspot Address". There is a fill-in box between http:// and for whatever you want the URL to be titled.

    I hope that I helped with some concept, and I'm glad Professor Station got a hold of me to contact you about this.

  2. Thanks a million, Nolan. I'm out of town now, but will fix the presentation and upload it next week.
